The FNMI is a Charitable Organization Committed to Complying with the Youth Programs Call to Action #66 by Delivering Programs on Reconciliation through our Live Shows & Establishing a National Network to share Information & Best Practices.
The FNMI has Revolutionized the Delivery Method of Life Skills Workshops into a much more Enjoyable Visually Entertaining, Live Shakespearean Style Theatrical Play, in order to maximize the Retention & Comprehension of Crucial Life-Affirming Information shared in our Workshops, from Bully Prevention to Truth & Reconciliation. With a team of Internationally Recognized Pro Athletes, Music Icons, Indigenous Celebrities & Certified Social Workers, our Life Skills Workshops incorporate Student Volunteers & Encourage Full Audience Participation, by taking students on a Spiritual & Emotional Journey of a young Indigenous Youths life that fell victim to Bullying, Abuse, Abandonment, Addiction, Depression & Death.
By Supporting & Empowering Indigenous Peoples to Independently Deliver Services & Address the Social, Cultural & Economic Conditions in their Communities, the FNMI will Hold Governments & their Institutions Accountable to Serve & Benefit Every Citizen of Every First Nation in a Fair & Just Manner, based on their Distinct Culture, Laws & Customs, According to the Spirit & Intent of Treaty.
By Ensuring Jordan’s Principle, a Child-First & Needs-Based Principle is Maintained in Canada so that ALL First Nations Children living ON & OFF Reserve have Equitable Access to ALL Government Funded Public Services when they need them.
The FNMI will follow youth as they progress from year to year, returning and meeting with them to discuss post-graduation aspersions in order to implement proactive measures to ensure grades, associations, activities, and encounters are in the best interest of their future.
This ongoing direct contact and interest in the individual year in and year out, we believe is the genius that will propel youth to Engage, Trust & Act in their Best Interests & the Future Interests of their Nation.
All FNMI Recreation, Education, Health & Healing Services are designed with a Mentor & Training Program, in order to inspire youth to take part and continue to promote and bring Awareness to the ever-changing Indigenous Condition.