It is believed that a child will retain more information between the ages of Zero & 5, than they will in the rest of their lives, even if they live to be 100.
The higher iQ family not only believes that the child’s first 5 years of life are the most important years, but also that the previous 9 months inside the mother’s womb are even more important than the first 5 years of life. We believe these 9 months are the most important part of development, where a child will develop character, values, personality & morality based on the mother’s exposure to the world around her.
We start, structure & administer our Environmentally Enhanced Fetal & Early Childhood Development Program during the first trimester of fetal growth by controlling the nutrients ingested by the mother according to what’s being developed inside the womb, in other words, when the brain is being developed we increase the mother protein intake, when the bones are being extended we increase the mother’s calcium intake and when the eyes are being formed we increase the mother’s carotene intake, so on and so forth throughout entire pregnancy.
Once the fetus is receiving optimal nutrients for enhanced development, we then initiate an audio learning program directly onto the mother’s stomach from colors, shapes & numbers to basic language, math, science, culture & history.
Our diet is designed to control what is being ingested by the mother for enhanced development and our learning curriculum has been structured to control what is being heard by the fetus, so the child is born with the prenatally developed ability to learn.
We may not be able to control what the child is exposed to in the home, but we are able to control the closest sounds to the mother’s womb in order to stimulate enhanced development and growth.
If statistically, the children of teachers are 110% more likely to become teachers than the children of mothers who were not teachers, then let us bring the virtual classroom to your child before they are born, in the hopes that these children will grow up to one day be our teachers & knowledge keepers.